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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’


Woolaston Primary School: Curriculum Intent and Implementation


At Woolaston School, we provide an inclusive curriculum that is creative, engaging and challenging. We encourage all children to lead their own learning by exploring the world around them and developing their own lines of enquiry. As well as delivering the National Curriculum in an innovative and creative way, we develop the children’s knowledge by ensuring we provide links to the community. All children are able to learn and achieve whilst developing the skills needed to become responsible, respectful and happy members of society that lead rich and productive lives. Our school values underpin everything we do and encourage children to nurture their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We understand that our children arrive at school with a previous knowledge and experience of our local area. Therefore, we teach our children about cultural diversity and what it is to be globally aware. Through developing key learning behaviours, that are interwoven with British Values, we can ensure our children become well informed and resilient individuals.


At Woolaston Primary our curriculum has been developed to take into account the knowledge and skills that pupils need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences as they grow older. The school’s curriculum has been planned and sequenced so that there is clear progression in the knowledge and skills taught across the school, this ensures that we build on what has been taught before and identifies what we need to teach the children next. These sequences of lessons not only develop skills and knowledge but also support our pupils to achieve clearly defined end points in their learning. This end point could be the skills and knowledge they need to have acquired at the end of a unit of teaching, the end of a term or academic year or the end of a key stage. At the end of EYFS, Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will have covered the skills and knowledge contained in their current curriculum and will be well prepared for the next stage in their learning. At Woolaston Primary School, we have high expectations of all our learners. We provide our pupils with the challenge and support they need in order to achieve their potential; all pupils access the full curriculum regardless of any special educational needs or disabilities.  



The teachers will deliver the curriculum through carefully planned lessons that provide pupils with the opportunities to practise and consolidate key skills and concepts so that they can apply them fluently. During all lessons, teachers will observe the pupils as they work in order to address any misconceptions and to provide feedback which supports pupils to address any areas for development. This assessment of pupils’ work informs teacher’s planning by identifying the next steps in their learning, this helps pupils to embed knowledge and enable pupils to make clear links between their previous learning and the new learning. 


These build upon knowledge and skills; transferring knowledge to long term memory. We endeavour to deliver the curriculum in a sequential manner that allows children to learn in manageable chunks.



Children will leave Woolaston Primary School ready for the next stage of their academic journey

Children are tested regularly following units of work in reading, writing and maths to ensure that concepts have been understood and have been retained in children’s long-term memory. These tests are compared against children nationally or are age standardised – this means that we can be confident that what we think is an age related outcome actually is!



What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here. Do not hesitate to contact Miss Lane if you require any further information about the school's curriculum.


WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for the week commencing 13th January 2025 - Sparrows 98.7%, Starlings 94.7%, Robins 90%, Woodpeckers 91.2%, Herons 98% Whole School Attendance 94.5%%