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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’


The PE Curriculum at Woolaston Primary


At Woolaston Primary, our aim is for every child to ‘grow, achieve and celebrate,’ and we realise the pivotal role that physical education plays in achieving this. Our school values underpin everything we do and we see sport and exercise as an opportunity to learn about and celebrate cultural diversity, as well as what it means to be globally aware. We want our children to understand how to make healthy choices, alongside the positive impact of physical activity on mental health and social skills.


At Woolaston, we utilise the expertise of ProStars (a specialist physical education company) to offer a broad and balanced PE curriculum which ensures coverage of the National Curriculum.  In Key Stage 1, the curriculum focusses on the fundamental skills (exploring movement, throwing and catching, athletics and simple team games) before building upon this in Key Stage 2 where these skills are applied to specific sports (both team and individual), athletics and dance. Alongside our core offering, we take part in a good range of external competitions and events, fostering a sense of pride and belonging in our school.


It is our intention that our children develop a love of physical activity, sport and exercise. Alongside this, we hope for our learners to develop confidence, teamwork and leadership skills. These skills are taught alongside our British Values, ensuing our children develop into resilient individuals.

PE Curriculum Map



  • We offer challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting and athletic activities in EYFS and KS1 including: exploring movements, ball control skills, throwing and catching, athletics and team games.
  • We build upon these fundamental skills in KS2 by moving on to team games, athletics and dances including: tag rugby, netball, hockey, dance, tennis, gymnastics, football, cricket, rounders, orienteering and athletics.
  • The curriculum map ensures curriculum coverage and progression of skills.
  • Pupils participate in high quality PE lessons during the week.
  • Children are invited to participate in competitive sports events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach; endeavouring to encourage confidence, physical development and mental well-being.
  • Workshops will also be available throughout the year (for example, cricket coaching, skipping, climbing), giving children the opportunity to try something new.


  • Pupil voice shows high level of engagement and enjoyment in PE lessons.
  • Assessment shows children making good progress in PE and improving skills.
  • Evidence of children independently making healthy choices with food and exercise.
  • Participation in school events is good with the majority of children having had the opportunity to represent the school.


Swimming Assesment Y6

WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for the week commencing 10th February 2025 - Sparrows 90.7%, Starlings 92.4%, Robins 97%, Woodpeckers 95.3%, Herons 97.2% Whole School Attendance 94.5%