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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’


The Design and Technology Curriculum at Woolaston Primary


At Woolaston School, we believe in the importance of children becoming inspired through a broad range of practical experiences to create innovative designs which solve real and relevant problems within a variety of different contexts.  Our school values underpin this process. This iterative process encourages children to identify real and relevant problems, critically evaluate existing products and then take risks and innovate when designing and creating solutions to the problems. As part of the iterative process, time is built in to reflect, evaluate and improve on prototypes using design criteria throughout to support this process. This process contributes towards children becoming resilient individuals. Opportunities are provided for children to evaluate key events and individuals who have helped shape the world, developing their global awareness and reflecting cultural diversity. Exploration of world leading design helps to show the real impact of design and technology on the wider environment and inspires children to become the next generation of innovators.


Each year group has a yearly curriculum map and critical pathway per term so that the teacher and adults leading art have confidence in the progression of skills and knowledge and that outcomes have been met. Each key stage focuses on different skills and themes to ensure continued interest in the subject as well as acquiring new knowledge. The lesson progression develops their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different processes and techniques. Children should also know how design technology reflects and shapes our history, and contributes to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.  Children are encouraged to talk about their work together in groups, developing their expressive language and social skills.



Teachers have high expectations and the standard of design technology work expected in the school is high. All children use technical vocabulary accurately and pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified. Children improve their enquiry skills and inquisitiveness about the world around them, and their impact through design technology on the world. Children will become more confident in analysing their work and giving their opinion on their own and other products in design technology. Children show competences in improving their resilience and perseverance by continually evaluating and improving their work. All children in school can speak confidently about their work and their skills. For some children, this will be an area of the curriculum that they excel at or find themselves most at home. We welcome these opportunities and foster this develop.

WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for Week Commencing 3rd July 2024 - Sparrow 92.5%, Starling 96%, Robin 95.5%, Woodpeckers 97.1%, Heron 94.5% Whole School Attendance 95.1%