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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’


Mental Health Support Teams have been put into over 70 schools in Gloucestershire via a programme called TrailTrailblazers. The programme aims to make mental health support more available to young people when they need it. Many young people face challenges such as friendship concerns, anxiety, exam stress, and challenging behaviour and Trailblazers are able to provide strategies to help children cope with life's ups and downs and techniques to look after themselves and become more resilient.  Woolaston Primary School is very pleased to be one of the schools benefitting from Trailblazers support and we are able to refer our pupils to this service, further parent information and contact details can be found in the information letter. 


Trailblazer parent information letter

Wellbeing support for pupils and parents

WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for Week Commencing 3rd July 2024 - Sparrow 92.5%, Starling 96%, Robin 95.5%, Woodpeckers 97.1%, Heron 94.5% Whole School Attendance 95.1%