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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

Home Page

Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

Year 1 /Year 2

Welcome to Starling class!



              Miss Page     Mrs Guest     Miss Green      Miss Meek     

Welcome to our class page!

I am Miss Page and I am really excited to be teaching Y1/2 again this year. Mrs Guest  and Miss Green will be joining me in class throughout the year, to support the teaching and learning within the class and help deliver interventions. 

We are looking forward to supporting your children this year, to allow them to grow and achieve both academically and socially. We will strive to ensure every child can achieve their full potential and become independent learners, by delivering a wide range of exciting and challenging learning opportunities. 


If you have any questions or worries across the year, you can get in contact with me directly using class dojo. 



Our PE session is on a Friday afternoon.  This will be my PPA time where children are taught PE by Pro stars. 



At Woolaston School, we expect children to read reguarly at home to support their development. Children will be sent home with a reading book that matches their current level of development. Reading books will be changed on a Wednesday. 



Each Friday, children will complete a spelling test. You will find the lists of spellings on this page, on class dojo and in the back of your child's spelling book. Please only learn the list your child is working on. 


Homework - Y2 

Every Friday, Y2 children will be set homework virtually using dojo. This will need to be completed by the following Thursday. If you require a paper copy please get in contact. 


How can you help your child at home?

• Play lots of sound and listening games with your child.

• Read as much as possible to and with your child.

• Encourage and praise – get them to have a ‘good guess’.

• If your child is struggling to decode a word, help them by encouraging them to say each sound in the word from left to right.

• Blend the sounds by pointing to each one, e.g. /c/ in cat, /p/ in pat, /ng/ in sing, /ee/ in been.

• Discuss the meaning of words if your child does not know what they have read.


Follow this link for lots of resources for parents focused on the phonics we learn in school.


Follow this link for help with how to pronounce the sounds we learn in school. 

Read Write Inc Parent Guide

Parent Reading Comment Bank

Word card to support sentence writing

WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for Week Commencing 3rd July 2024 - Sparrow 92.5%, Starling 96%, Robin 95.5%, Woodpeckers 97.1%, Heron 94.5% Whole School Attendance 95.1%