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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

Ofsted Parent View

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child’s school, including: 

 - how happy your child is at the school

 - how the school manages bullying or challenging behaviour  

If your child has special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), we will ask how well the school supports them. 

The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. 

We will use your responses to help us plan inspections. The information you provide can:  

- inform discussions inspectors have with school leaders during an inspection  

 - help Ofsted decide when to inspect a school   

In addition to this, we also publish the overall summary of the responses to Ofsted Parent View. This information is anonymised.  

If your child attends a maintained nursery, please read more about how to respond to the questionnaire here

Click ‘Give your views now’ to register and complete a survey to help your child’s school improve.

WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / Attendance for the week commencing 10th February 2025 - Sparrows 90.7%, Starlings 92.4%, Robins 97%, Woodpeckers 95.3%, Herons 97.2% Whole School Attendance 94.5%