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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’

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Woolaston Primary School

'Together we grow, achieve and celebrate’


The Geography Curriculum at Woolaston Primary


At Woolaston Primary School, our Geography curriculum intends to instill a curiosity and fascination about both our local area and the wider world. Through high-quality and creative teaching of Geography from the Early years to the end of KS2, our learners will develop a global awareness of place and location, alongside helping them to understand the Earth’s physical and human processes and how they bring about variation and change. Beyond this we want children to develop their understanding

Developing geographical fieldwork will provide learners with the skills to investigate their own questions about the wider world and make meaningful connections. By learning geographical vocabulary, map skills and methods of measuring and recording, children will be able to express their understanding effectively to ensure progress in the Geographical understanding and will become resilient learners in Geography.



At Woolaston school Geography is embedded from the Early years to the end of KS2 where learning is experienced both in the classroom and outdoors. In the Early Years, children will begin developing their geographical vocabulary, knowledge and skills by exploring their local area. As children then move into KS1, they will continue to develop their understand of the local area by looking at the physical and human features. Children will then build on this to develop their location and place knowledge to look at the countries of the UK and the continents and oceans of the world where they will make comparisons between where they live to areas outside of Europe. Across children’s learning in KS1, children will develop their fieldwork, map skills and basic data collection methods. In KS2 childrens understanding is developed through asking and answering geographical questions and developing their place and location knowledge further. Children will also look at the human and physical aspects of Geography. Across KS2 children will build on their fieldwork skills they developed in KS1, by looking at a range of data collection method and improving their map skills.



Through our Geography curriculum we aim for our children to feel confident in their knowledge of where places are and what they are like. We want to create learners who are inquisive about the wider world and understand the impact that they can have upon it. By the end of year 6, our children will have gained the geographical vocabulary and skills to be able to discuss and demonstrate their understanding of Geography and be able to apply it to learning across other areas of the curriculum.


WE ARE A GOOD SCHOOL… in all areas! - Ofsted 2023 / September 2025 Intake Open Days - Tuesday 3rd October 2024 9.30am, Friday 11th October 2024 2.00pm, Thursday 17th October 2.00pm, Friday 8th November 9.30am - Please contact the School Office to book a place on one of our open days. / Attendance for Week Commencing 3rd July 2024 - Sparrow 92.5%, Starling 96%, Robin 95.5%, Woodpeckers 97.1%, Heron 94.5% Whole School Attendance 95.1%